Ideas can be found inside of your Organization, inside of your Team, inside of You.
Yes, they are often hidden under layers of fear, pressure or insecurity. But, like hidden treasures they are there and can be found and removed. One by one. By You. Life is a gift. Let me help you unpack it!


Getting things right the first time is what we all aim for. Yet, it is rare. Failures are more common. Is this a reason to stop? No! A failure is an unfinished success.
Reality is the part of the imagination that you have decided not to change anymore and accepted as it is. But if you want to change your mind, the only right time is the time left.

Dr. Jan Myszkowski
50 Shades of Leadership: The decisive moments of inspired leadership
I was born into a world which, for the most part, was home-made. My grandfather and my father had built our house: windows, doors, floors, all the furniture, my cradle......all of it crafted from wood. All from our forest.
The milk came from our cow, the eggs came from our chickens. The first snacks I ever had were lengths of rhubarb which I dipped in the sugar tin. Sweet and sour. We didn’t have any bins, because there wasn’t any rubbish. The village shop sold only vinegar, sugar, and anything which could be wrapped in paper. Every Saturday, the air was filled with the smells of freshly-baked............ read more